Headed to the Backcountry?
It’s important to be prepared. Here are some resources you can use to make sure your outdoor adventure is fun, safe and enjoyable.
Useful Backcountry Resources

The CAIC is a program within the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, a state government agency. A staff of 20 works out of eight offices around the state offering weather and avalanche forecasts, education and the promotion of research for the protection of life, property and the enhancement of the state’s economy.

The Friends of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (FoCAIC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that was created to financially support avalanche forecasting and education throughout Colorado.

What you don’t know can kill you. KBYG is a free avalanche awareness program providing easy-to-digest yet comprehensive instructions and tips on how to stay safe in the mountains.

The American Institute for Avalanche Research & Education was established as a 501(c)3 tax exempt non-profit educational organization in 1998. AIARE develops research based Professional and Recreational avalanche training for backcountry users in the United States, South America and Europe. The organization offers classes and tutorials for both recreational participants as well professional instructors.